Project Fibonacci: Alan Alda to speak at Field House on Aug. 3

Project Fibonacci: Alan Alda to speak at Field House on Aug. 3

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 - 14:47
SUNY Poly News Logo

Project Fibonacci

is the brainchild of ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC, a small scientific research company located in Rome, NY.  Leonardo Pisano Bonacci (nicknamed “Fibonacci”) was the famed 12th- and 13th-Century mathematician who “discovered” a branch of mathematics that neatly describes emergent patterns in the realms of science, engineering, nature, art and music.

The Project Fibonacci STEAM Youth Conference will tightly blend science and art themes through a series of all-encompassing Fibonacci STEAM-themed tracks held during the week-long summer event.  Each day includes a complement of local and regional experts, instructors and authoritative sources on various STEAM topics, changing topics day-by-day. Tours are going to be going to off-site locations, including art museums, scientific research centers, and music production studios.

As part of the conference, we have booked celebrity keynote speakers to address the various STEAM topics.  Go to Project Fibonacci's Speakers Page to learn more about them!


Monday, August 1

Alex Filippenko - Keynote Speaker

Morning Session Tickets


Alex Filippenko

Evening Session Tickets


Tuesday, August 2

David Eagleman - Track 2



Wednesday, August 3

Alan Bean - Track 3



Alan Alda - Keynote Speaker



Thursday, August 4

Chris Hadfield - Track 4



Friday, August 5

Brian Greene - Track 5


