Provost Lecture - Friday, February 14

Provost Lecture - Friday, February 14

Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 16:19
SUNY Poly News Logo

February 14Dr. Joanne Joseph, Dr. Veronica Tichenor, Dr. Rosemary Mullick

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Bullying

Student Center Theater, noon to 2 pm

AbstractThe negative effect of bullying (peer victimization) on psychosocial adjustment has been demonstrated across 25 European and North American countries , and the consequences of peer victimization have been linked to increased risk for internalizing and externalizing disorders, PTSD, and poor academic performance. Research on bullying has investigated the role of both risk factors and protective factors associated with bullying behavior and its psychosocial consequences. Utilizing data obtained from the Oneida County TEEN ASSESSMENT PROJECT (TAP) the presenters add to the research on peer victimization by further investigating the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on bullying behavior, as well as the moderating effects of various forms of social support (family, school and community) on the bullying experience.
