Public News Service: Renewables May Soon Be Ready to Replace
Nuclear Power in New York

Public News Service: Renewables May Soon Be Ready to Replace
Nuclear Power in New York

Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 11:44
SUNY Poly News Logo

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="305"] getimage.php?p=c2dpZD00NzU4MSZzaWQ9MQ== PHOTO: Opponents of nuclear power say a major accident at Indian Point Energy Center would endanger the lives of millions of New Yorkers who live within 25 miles of the plant. (Photo credit: Peretz Partensky/Wikimedia Commons.)[/caption]

NEW YORK – New York state could soon be generating enough renewable energy to replace the nuclear power produced at the 40-year-old Indian Point Energy Center in Westchester County.

This week, Governor Cuomo celebrated the "topping off" of construction of Solar City, a factory in Buffalo expected to make enough solar panels each year to produce 1,000 megawatts of power.

Tim Judson, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, says Solar City could be a "game-changer."

"This factory in Buffalo is going to produce enough solar panels to equal half of Indian Point every year, which is the largest solar factory, probably in the world, at this point," he says.

A 2012 study found improved energy efficiency and renewable energy sources could replace Indian Point by 2022. Judson says with the state ramping up its renewable energy programs, that time could be even sooner.

