Recycling Request

Recycling Request

Monday, April 11, 2016 - 05:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

Recycling should be easy. As part of our ongoing efforts to reduce waste and improve recycling on campus, the SUNY Poly Green Team has a request:

  • Each trash bin on campus should have a labeled RecycleOne bin next to it.
  • We are compiling a list of places on campus that do not have trash and recycle bin together.
  • If you have a lone trash bin or lone recycling bin, or
  • If you see a recycling bin that is not clearly labeled, please tell us.

Thanks for your help making SUNY Poly a greener place!

What are the rules for the RecycleOne – One and Done Program?

  • All recyclable items – paper, plastic, metal, and glass – should be mixed together loosely in a RecycleOne bin.
  • Refer to OHSWA'slist of acceptable materials for more information about what is recycleable.

greenteam_logo.jpg RecycleposterOLDfrom-site.jpg RecycleOne-Poster


