Reminder to Faculty Re: IDEA FIF Forms

Reminder to Faculty Re: IDEA FIF Forms

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 12:13
SUNY Poly News Logo
Just a reminder to please submit your online IDEA Faculty Information Form, for each of your courses that will be evaluated this semester, if you have not done so already.  This is a required step of the survey process, and must be completed by Sunday, 4/16.  Please take special care in completing them, as the resulting outcomes are directly related to the course learning objectives that you designate.  For further details on this process, please refer to the email message sent from Provost Durgin on April 7th.
For questions regarding the FIFs and how they refer to your courses, please refer to your Dean or Department Chair.  If you have not received direct emails from IDEA to initiate the process for each course, please check your spam/junk email files or contact Liz Crane @
Thank you.
