Reminder: Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Reminder: Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - 10:28
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Faculty/Staff Summer Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, July 30, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Alumni Pavilion.  The date is fast approaching so if you haven't purchased your ticket yet, please see one of the following people by Friday, July 24 to do so:

  • Pam Palazzo, Kunsela Hall
  • Kristie Cieslak, Cayan Library
  • Tina Rothwell, Facilities

This event is always a day filled with fun, great food, and festivities.  Also, it's not to late for your department to donate a gift basket!  Please contact Connie Castellano at x7819, if interested.

Hope to see you there!

