Retirement reception for Enid Larsen Thursday

Retirement reception for Enid Larsen Thursday

Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 09:18
SUNY Poly News Logo

To: Faculty & Staff

From: Jo Ruffrage

Please join us in wishing Enid Larsen a “Happy Retirement,” Thursday, January 30, at the Health & Wellness/Counseling Center, Oriskany Hall, Suite B, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Cake and coffee will be served.

Most of Enid’s time since 1999 has been at the Health & Wellness/Counseling Center; however, she did additional work at various other SUNYIT offices. Her main focus as a Keyboard Specialist 1 has been to work with students to be compliant with the mandatory public health laws (MMR & Meningitis).  SUNYIT’s frequent 100% compliance rates have resulted from her diligent work.

Please join us Thursday, January 30, 9:30 to 11:00, Oriskany Hall, Suite B, and wish Enid well in her retirement.
