Rome Sentinel: 'NANOvember' Community Day Saturday at SUNY Poly

Rome Sentinel: 'NANOvember' Community Day Saturday at SUNY Poly

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 12:30
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article that was published by the Rome Daily Sentinel:


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="931"]?ui=2&ik=3f94373918&view=fimg&th=14957406ffaf385b&attid=0.2&disp=emb&attbid=ANGjdJ-2NFujAmVY9YJ1VmbKi_bLIOx5MycH1t7Hn9P1_rbW9XssgEVW4aurxH3603F6yAggavnNlRdEgNw46e1PIeDJ1pa4lxqf5utuXoZXvVlLyuU5BXzHIrx0ksk&sz=w1600-h1000&ats=1414508205291&rm=14957406ffaf385b&zw&atsh=1 GOING UP — Progress continues on the Computer Chip Commercialization Center, also known as the QUAD-C building, at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Marcy. Officials there have announced a community day on Saturday, which will include tours of the facility. (Sentinel photo by John Clifford)[/caption]

Oct 27, 2014

A tour of the nearly completed Computer Chip Commercialization Center/ Quad-C building at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Marcy will be part of a “NANOvember” Community Day on Saturday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.


During the tour which will involve portions of the facility, visitors will have an opportunity to take part in a number of hands-on, nanotechnology-based activities and presentations, according to a college announcement.

Also locally, a “Nano Night with the Comets” is scheduled for Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. at a Utica Comets home game.

Thousands of Comets fans will be able to learn about nanotechnology’s growing regional and statewide impact through displays, videos and presentations, according to a college announcement.

The activities are among a month-long series of events at various state locations geared to highlight nanotechnology.

“Taking place at a number of SUNY Poly locations across New York state, these engagements will showcase the vast potential of this exciting scientific field, inspiring and empowering people of all ages....” said SUNY Poly CEO and Officer in Charge Alain Kaloyeros.


Rome Sentinel: ‘NANOvember’ Community Day Saturday at SUNY Poly
