Rome Sentinel: Student group funds SUNY Poly scholarship

Rome Sentinel: Student group funds SUNY Poly scholarship

Monday, May 2, 2016 - 10:17
SUNY Poly News Logo

Rome Sentinel

The Student Government Association at SUNY Polytechnic Institute has contributed $25,000 toward creation of an endowed scholarship to be administered by the SUNY Poly Foundation, the college announced.

Student leaders have been generating the required funding for several years and recently reached the threshold for making a permanent endowment, SUNY Poly said.

The Student Association Senate at SUNY Poly’s Marcy site unanimously supported the creation of the scholarship, a rarity among SUNY schools, the college said. Awards will be made annually to a full-time SUNY Poly student, with preference given to returning students who actively demonstrate leadership qualities and skills.

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