Rome Sentinel: SUNY Poly robotics team advances

Rome Sentinel: SUNY Poly robotics team advances

Sunday, March 20, 2016 - 10:24
SUNY Poly News Logo

The SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team bested 65 other competitors at New York City’s Javitz Center last weekend to advance to the world championships, the college has announced.

In addition to its victory, the team is also celebrating its recognition as one of the top 30 in the world in the book “First Robots: Behind the Design.” The team, known as The Second Mouse or FRC 5030, was selected out of an international field of 3,000 teams for inclusion in the book, featuring what the authors call, “exemplars: a collection of the finest designs and teams in the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition.”

“What an exciting time for this team of young innovators and what an incredible message it sends regarding the caliber of New York State’s students and future workforce. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s commitment to education, particularly STEM studies, is clearly taking root as more and more young people are aspiring to high tech careers supporting the state’s 21st century economy,” said Dr. Alain Kaloyeros, President and CEO of SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

“On behalf of the entire SUNY Poly community I would like to congratulate The Second Mouse team on being among the best in world. They are an excellent example of how SUNY Poly’s world class staff, resources, and expertise are helping students unlock limitless potential and I wish them the best of luck in the upcoming world championships.“

In “First Robots: Behind the Design”, FIRST founder Dean Kamen writes, “These examples illustrate some of the leading technical developments made by FIRST teams during the 2015 FRC season. Each chapter presents case studies from FIRST teams who excelled in aspects of the design, manufacturing and control of their FIRST robot.”

After its weekend victory at the Javitz Center, the Second Mouse, made up of SUNY Poly undergraduate students working as mentors to high school students from Whitesboro, New Hartford, and Utica, is now preparing for the FRC World Championships in St. Louis, Missouri where it will face off against hundreds of international competitors.



[caption id="attachment_21783" align="alignnone" width="590"] RomeSentinel-SecondMouse.jpg TOP SHOWING — Members of the Second Mouse or FRC 5030, celebrate their victory in the FIRST Robotics Competition in New York City. The group was selected out of an international field of 3,000 teams for inclusion in a book, featuring what the authors call, “exemplars: a collection of the finest designs and teams in the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition.” (Photo submitted)[/caption]

Published Mar 20, 2016 at 9:00am
