RSVP for Faculty Welcome and Workshop events

RSVP for Faculty Welcome and Workshop events

Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 11:14
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dear Colleagues,

As we begin the new academic year, I invite ALL faculty to participate in the 2016 Faculty Workshop programs that are listed in the attached tri-fold brochure.  Specifically, I would like to call your attention to:

  • Teaching Excellence
  • Information and Learning Resources
  • Student Advising & Student Success
  • Student Affairs:  Partners for Success
  • Outcomes Assessment
  • Pre-Award Research
  • Tenure & Promotion (F/T Faculty)
  • Mandatory Training
  • Convocation

Day 1 is primarily for training from Human Resources, and meetings.  Day 2 of the activities is composed of various faculty workshops that I hope will stimulate your thoughts regarding teaching excellence and scholarly research pursuits.  To promote unity between our two sites, through the use of technology, these offerings will be shared electronically.

To RSVP, please use this Doodle Survey link, or the link you received by email.  The attached schedule will be needed when completing the survey, as the dates and times correspond with the sessions outlined.  Please respond by August 15, indicating all activities that you plan to attend, to assist with planning purposes.  If you have any questions, please direct them to Liz at

Thank you for your interest and I hope that you will find the content to be a valuable resource.


William W. Durgin

PS – There is mandatory recurrent training scheduled at 9:00 AM on Day 1.  If you are unable to attend, please let HR know in advance.

Schedule of Activities 8.2016
