Run, Ribs, and Rock N Roll!

Run, Ribs, and Rock N Roll!

Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 10:01
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dear Campus Community,

It is with great excitement that the Student Activities Office and President's Programming Initiative Committee bring back a favorite campus tradition... Run, Ribs, & Rock n' Roll!

Join us on the Student Center Patio on Tuesday, September 29th from Noon - 2 PM for a walk/jog/run around the Campus Loop, a BBQ Lunch*, and musical entertainment by Gridley Paige!

Rain Location: Wildcat Field House Gymnasium. image-1.png

*Please note: Residential Students will be required to use a meal swipe to gain entrance to the BBQ

Commuter Students without a meal plan must sign in with Run, Ribs, & Rock n' Roll Staff to gain entrance to the BBQ

The BBQ Lunch is free for any faculty or staff member who participates in the walk/jog/run around the Campus Loop. To receive the lunch, faculty and staff must show their finisher medal. Any faculty or staff member who wishes not to participate in the walk/jog/run around the Campus Loop will be charged $10 to eat the BBQ Lunch.

Should you have any questions, please direct them to Jennifer George or Alyssa Napolitano in the Office of Campus Life at x7530.
