Sent on behalf of President Kaloyeros

Sent on behalf of President Kaloyeros

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 19:00
SUNY Poly News Logo







At SUNY Polytechnic Institute, we have been entrusted, with significant resources from public funds, to carry out our mission. And, to fulfill that mission, we all share a responsibility to maintain proper and sufficient internal controls that ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of our operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Internal controls are the integration of activities, plans, attitudes, policies, and efforts of the people in our organization working together to provide reasonable assurance that we will achieve our institutional goals and mission. Internal controls extend beyond our business affairs and financial offices; spreading throughout our organization, permeating all departments and functions at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Consistent with the Governmental Accountability, Audit and Internal Control Act of 1987 that formalizes our commitment to efficient and effective business practices, quality services, and ethics in the operations of NYS state government agencies, SUNY Polytechnic Institute has adopted an internal control program designed to promote adherence to this legislation.

As President, I want to affirm my support for a strong control environment founded on ethical values, integrity, competence, and an operating philosophy that provides a framework of discipline and structure, critical for our organizational and institutional success.

Each of us is important to the success of our internal control program: by rigorously following appropriate policies and procedures and successfully fulfilling our duties and responsibilities established in job descriptions and meeting performance standards; by taking all reasonable steps to safeguard assets against waste, loss, and unauthorized use; and, by attending training to increase understanding of internal controls and reporting internal controls breakdowns.

Should you have questions about SUNY Polytechnic Institute internal control program please visit our internal control website, or contact SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s Internal Control Officer, Susan Head at (315) 792-7416; or Scott Bateman at (518) 437-8689.




