Skateboard / Longboard Use Injuries

Skateboard / Longboard Use Injuries

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 10:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

Good morning!

Injuries resulting from the use of skateboards or longboards around our campus appear to be on the rise.  Although the use of these vehicles may provide quicker travels around campus, they do present a certain degree of risk.

By following some basic safety precautions when using these devices, you can protect yourself and others from injury. These precautions include:

  • Using a helmet and other protective gear,
  • Using safe speeds and avoiding unfamiliar or dangerous techniques,
  • Following familiar and smooth terrain, and
  • Being aware of others (e.g. vehicles and pedestrians).

Most people who have used skateboards, longboards, or other similar devices have fallen with limited or minimal injuries, However, some injuries can be severe especially when they involve head / brain trauma.

Please be careful when using any self-propelled vehicles on campus.

Further information can be found

Have a safe and healthy day!

Sean Clive

Environmental Health & Safety Office (Utica) - 315-792-7101

