The Street: This State Added the Most Clean Energy Jobs in 2014,
and It's Not California

The Street: This State Added the Most Clean Energy Jobs in 2014,
and It's Not California

Sunday, March 15, 2015 - 15:32
SUNY Poly News Logo

The Street

3. New York New Jobs Announced in 2014: 7,175 jobs Main Industries: Solar, Smart Grid, Mass Transit Existing Renewable Generation: 4,774 MWh Renewable Potential: 2,635,904 GWh

Solar City (SCTY) announced 2,500 jobs in Buffalo to expand its installation operations as well as a manufacturing firm there. The Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Polytechnic Institute announced 1,800 jobs to open a technology research center focusing on renewable energy. Kean Wind Turbines announced 400 jobs last year for a wind turbine manufacturing facility.

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