SUNY Poly Discrimination Complaint Procedure

SUNY Poly Discrimination Complaint Procedure

Friday, November 6, 2015 - 10:20
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dear Faculty, Staff, Students, and Members of the Campus Community,

Under Title IX, colleges and universities have the duty to promptly respond to complaints of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence in a way that limits its effects and prevents its recurrence. As such, colleges and universities are required to investigate all complaints of sexual discrimination and sexual violence. Additionally, colleges and universities must designate specific people on a campus to handle Title IX matters. At SUNY Poly, these individuals are referred to as Title IX Coordinators or Deputy Title IX Coordinators. These coordinators are specially trained to address complaints of sex discrimination, including helping complainants navigate the process and seek remedies.

Title IX requires colleges and universities to have an established procedure for handling complaints. SUNY Poly adopted the SUNY-wide discrimination complaint procedure, which is posted to the Policies & Procedures page at SUNY Poly’s Title IX website: Colleges and universities are prohibited to retaliate against individuals who file a Title IX complaint, and SUNY wide policy prohibits retaliation against any participant; the accused, the victim, witnesses, and individuals who report.

If you have any questions about SUNY Poly’s discrimination complaint procedure, please contact the Title IX Coordinators at

Thank you,

SUNY Poly Title IX Working Group Website: Email: SUNY Poly Title IX Coordinators:

Rhonda Haines Title IX Coordinator VP for Human Resources and Special Projects NFE #4105 (Albany Site) Kunsela Hall, A011 (Utica Site) (518) 956-7362

Stacey Genther Deputy Title IX Coordinator Health Educator Oriskany Hall, Suite B (315) 792-7808

Katie Tynan Deputy Title IX Coordinator AVP for Benefits and Leave Administration NFE #4252 (Albany Site) Kunsela Hall, A011 (Utica Site) (518) 956-7317


