SUNY Poly High-Tech Entrepreneurship and R&D Opportunities Highlighted in NYSTAR and SUNY Videos
Cutting-Edge Research and Workforce Development Capabilities
NYSTAR and Fuzehub, with Dr. Shadi Shahedipour-Sandvik and Dr. Kathy Dunn, highlighted state-of-the-art resources at SUNY Poly's Center for Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology (NYS CENN), a fully integrated technology deployment, product prototyping, manufacturing support, and workforce training resource for emerging generations of integrated circuitry (IC).
View the video here and learn more about the NYS CENN here.
Driving Entrepreneurial Success
SUNY shared how research at SUNY Poly and other SUNY institutions is enabling next-generation innovations. This video featured SUNY Poly and SUNY at Albany alumna Karen Torrejon, who took research from the SUNY Poly nanobioscience labs and turned it into a growing company, Glauconix, which is helping to develop therapeutics for glaucoma.
View the video here.