SUNY Poly Mohawk River water contamination research led by Professor Carolyn Rodak published in ‘Water’

Dr. Carolyn Rodak, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, with SUNY Poly research assistant Michael Ormanoski and University at Albany research assistant Kyle J. Lininger, published, “Observations and Correlations from a 3-Year Study of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in the Mohawk River in Upstate NY,” in Water.
The research used the detection of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) as a way to explore the impact of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on local water quality. According to the study, “The city with CSOs demonstrated greater FIB concentrations, which are likely a combination of greater urban runoff, CSOs, and the potential resuspension of sediment during high flow events. Due to the widespread presence of FIB in the region, future research includes utilizing microbial source tracking to identify the sources of contamination in the region.”
Read more about the 2019 Mohawk River microbial source tracking research grant