SUNY Poly's going pink today. Will you?

SUNY Poly's going pink today. Will you?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 09:45
SUNY Poly News Logo

Poly_goes_pink_fall2015-300x225.png Dear Campus Community,

Please join Poly PAWS: The President’s Programming Initiative, the Wellness Committee, and Team Violette/SUNY Poly for the 11th Annual Poly goes Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk, scheduled for today-- Tuesday, October 18, 2016.

Registration and check-in will begin at 11:30, with a 12:15 PM walk kick-off, followed by a brief address from our keynote speaker and a delicious soup and salad lunch*. Meet us in the Student Center for all the pink festivities!

Questions can be directed to Stacey Genther, Lynne Browne, Michelle Tucker, or Alyssa Napolitano.

We hope to see you there!
