SUNYIT/CNSE Merger - Naming of merged institution

SUNYIT/CNSE Merger - Naming of merged institution

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 - 20:32
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dear Colleagues-

As many of you are aware, the SUNY Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee unanimously endorsed the merger of SUNYIT and CNSE at its meeting in Albany this morning and advanced it for full board action.

That said, we have received substantial feedback expressing concerns and dislikes about the placeholder name (SUNY INSET) for the potential merged institution.

We both agree.  We do not like the placeholder name (to say the least).  The name was selected as a combination of SUNYIT and CNSE and was intended as a temporary placeholder to emphasize that the potential merged institution will maintain all its academic programs intact.

Following the consideration of the merger by the full Board of Trustees, our intent is to immediately engage the faculties and staffs of both SUNYIT and CNSE in formulating a name for the potential merged institution that is consistent with its mission and in accordance with wide and deliberate consultation.

In the interim, we will be setting up an email address  tomorrow  to solicit your ideas and thoughts about what the name should be.

We look forward to beginning this process through the joint CNSE/SUNYIT working groups.

Robert Geer

Alain Kaloyeros

