Temperament-Based Parenting

Temperament-Based Parenting

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 09:44
SUNY Poly News Logo

Dr. Joanne Joseph, Professor of Psychology, will be presenting six, one-hour sessions on the topic of “Temperament-Based Parenting.” Lecture and discussion topics will address myths and truths of temperament, temperament traits and styles, and how the temperament of both the child and the parent affect parent-child interactions. Dr. Joseph will also address various temperament profiles and strategies best suited to each profile. These brown bag sessions will be held in A227 of Kunsela Hall from 12:00pm-1:00pm each Monday starting February 10th and ending March 17th. All faculty and staff are invited to sign up for these sessions by contacting Shannon Farrell in the Human Resources office. Please call ext. 7184 or email ShannonL.Farrell@sunypoly.edu. Attendance will be open on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to 10 individuals.
