NEDO: New energy R&D has global impact NEDO: New energy R&D has global impact

Monday, June 13, 2016 - 15:30
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One of the largest institutions in the world for R&D into energy and environmental problems, NEDO is constantly adapting and innovating to the needs of society and the market. Established in 1980 by the Japanese government as a semi-governmental organization to promote the development and introduction of alternative energy, Chairman Kazuo Furukawa discusses NEDO’s expansion into IoT, robotics and AI, as well as some of the results from its forward-thinking international partnerships...

...There are two examples. One is the State University of New York (SUNY) Polytechnic Institute, which is a zero energy building we worked with them to create. Another is electronic vehicles (EVs) in Maui, Hawaii. On this island, the governor is starting an initiative to make the island “zero energy”. Now, they have tankers coming in and delivering fuel every day, but the governor is committed to getting away from these deliveries, and make the island zero energy and self-sufficient. In terms of domestic energy, business organizations have implemented voluntary objectives, and they have reduced their businesses’ energy consumption. In terms of household and transport, they have not made as much progress and are behind.

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