Things Instructors Need to Know about Blackboard Courses

Things Instructors Need to Know about Blackboard Courses

Monday, July 13, 2015 - 10:54
SUNY Poly News Logo

Things Instructors Need to Know about Blackboard Courses

Blackboard is updated twice daily from Banner in the 12 pm and 5 pm time frame. Two new aspects of  Banner-Blackboard processing are instructor changes and merged roster courses. Both result in a change for faculty in how courses are prepped for the semester and how merged roster courses are requested.

Instructor changes - Course instructors changes are automatically updated in the LMS (i.e. Blackboard). Instructions are urged to use development shells to get their course ready for the semester instead of doing so in the actual 'semester' course.  The content can be copied into the 'semester' course.  Development courses can be reused for subsequent semesters or new development shells can be requested.

Merged roster courses - All requests for merged roster courses will be handled by the Registrar's office via the Blackboard Section Consolidation Request. In future, the request form can be found at under the 'Faculty Forms' section.

Courses should not be merged once the semester has started. Merging a course once the class has started will cause the content to remain in the individual classes and the Master class will be empty. Also, if the individual classes contains any student submissions, they will be lost.

Course Naming Conventions Individual semester courses is:  'TERM YYYY: SubjCrs-Sec Course Title' e.g. Fall 2015: ACC386-35W Intermediate Accountng II

Cross-listed (merged roster) courses is:  'TERM YYYY: SubjCrse-Sec_SubjCrse-Sec' e.g. Fall 2015: CTC222-01_MTC222-01

Development Shells Faculty may request a development shell at any time with an IT Support ticket (

Additional Information and Resources

Student Access to Courses

  • Early student access to online and hybrid courses has been discontinued. Student access to Blackboard courses begins on the first day of the Part of Term and ends 30 days after the course ends.
  • Communications with students prior to the official start date can be achieved via email. (Instructions to e-mail students)
  • Instructors now have the ability to extend student access to their within the Blackboard course. (Instructions to extend course access).


The deadline to access ANGEL is October 31, 2015. There is still time to request migration shells for ANGEL courses via IT Support request ( and archive your courses when the semester is finished.The following self-paced courses are available for faculty for self-enrollment.

  • Introduction to Blackboard Learn
  • Intermediate Blackboard Learn

Follow these instructions to add them to the Courses tab.
