Time Warner Cable News: 1,400 Jobs Created With 2 Photonics
Industries Heading to Rochester

Time Warner Cable News: 1,400 Jobs Created With 2 Photonics
Industries Heading to Rochester

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 - 17:27
SUNY Poly News Logo
The state's top two elected officials were in Rochester Wednesday to make an announcement about economic development in the region.

Governor Andrew Cuomo called the announcement more important than the one Vice President Joe Biden made back in July when Rochester was designated the photonics hub. Cuomo, along with Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, announced the first photonic industries to set up shop in Rochester.

Photonica and Avogy are coming to town. Avogy is relocating to the area from California's Silicon Valley. The two companies will work out of Canal Ponds Park in Greece and at Eastman Business Park. The governor said it's a $1.6 billion investment that will create 1,400 jobs.


[video width="426" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2016/03/YNNROC_03-16-2016-Two-photonics-companies-to-set-up-shop-in-Rochester-.mp4"][/video]
