Time Warner Cable News: Cuomo announces billions in high-tech
investment for Mohawk Valley

Time Warner Cable News: Cuomo announces billions in high-tech
investment for Mohawk Valley

Friday, August 21, 2015 - 15:05
SUNY Poly News Logo

UTICA, N.Y. -- State and local leaders took just a moment Thursday to look back on the Mohawk Valley's economic history.

"Yesterday was Griffiss, yesterday was GE. They've moved. What are you going to do as a business line in the future?" said Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

But mostly, they celebrated the exciting days, months and years ahead.

Cuomo announced the Nano Utica initiative is moving forward. Two major companies, AMS from Austria and General Electricwill be anchor tenants in the area's nanotechnology facilities.

"We want, not only to produce advance wafers in this highly productive new wafer fab, we want to establish ourselves as valuable contributors in the region," said AMS' COO Thomas Stockmeier.

AMS has promised to invest more than $2 billion in the new Marcy Nano Center over the first 20 years, which is scheduled to break ground in spring of 2016. The company expects to retain more than 700 full-time jobs.


[video width="426" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/08/YNNCENTRALNY_08-21-2015-Utica-GE-AMS.mp4"][/video]
