Time Warner Cable News: Cuomo Helps Celebrate Final Touches on
RiverBend Complex

Time Warner Cable News: Cuomo Helps Celebrate Final Touches on
RiverBend Complex

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 11:14
SUNY Poly News Logo

Governor Andrew Cuomo, along with other local leaders signed a steel beam that was raised into place atop the developing RiverBend complex Tuesday.

It was part of the "topping off" ceremony to mark the end of this phase of construction. The shell of the building is complete and work will soon begin on the interior, including the installation of specialized solar panel equipment.


[video width="432" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/08/TWCN-Cuomo-Helps-Celebrate-Final-Touches-on-RiverBend-Complex-8515.mp4"][/video]
