Time Warner Cable News: Filmmakers Forum Held at CNY Movie Hub

Time Warner Cable News: Filmmakers Forum Held at CNY Movie Hub

Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 09:08
SUNY Poly News Logo

For more than a decade the Syracuse International Film Festival has been entertaining the community and supporting filmmakers. This year, the festival held its filmmakers forum at the new CNY Movie hub.

Last month, the first first film made at the Hub wrapped production. Michael Massurin, who runs the Syracuse International Film Festivalsays that's indicative of bigger things to come.

"This is the beginning," said Massurin. "We'll have a one-stop shop and it will be equal to anything we see in New York City, Toronto or L.A. We will really become a place where people will come and do everything they need to do to make a film."

County Executive Joanie Mahoney spoke at the film forum highlighting the economic benefits of movies being made at the state of the art hub. The hub is run by SUNY CNSE and Mahoney says the state tax incentives for companies to bring their productions there are the most competitive in the country.

"All of this economic activity, all of these people coming to town spins off into sales tax that we need to operate county government," said Mahoney. "I think people think we operate off of property tax. It's mostly sales tax. And the way you generate sales tax is money circling its way through the community."



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