Time Warner Cable News: Governor Cuomo: Nanoscience industry,
SUNY Poly, having positive effect on upstate development

Time Warner Cable News: Governor Cuomo: Nanoscience industry,
SUNY Poly, having positive effect on upstate development

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 15:15
SUNY Poly News Logo
I wanted to share the following video snippet with you from Time Warner Cable News...
The Governor also spoke about the positive effect that the nanoscience industry is having on upstate development. He praised the work of those at SUNY Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, specifically, Dr. Alain Kaloyeros.
Gov. Cuomo: “Who had a vision for a new economic future built on the asset of the SUNY system, and he took that SUNY system in Albany, now expanding it across the state, and he has made it the base of a nanotechnology explosion.”
Governor Cuomo says all the development has made the Capital Region the nanotech capital of the world.
