Time Warner Cable News: SUNY Poly, Rensselaer Officials Explore
Potential at Site of Failed Casino

Time Warner Cable News: SUNY Poly, Rensselaer Officials Explore
Potential at Site of Failed Casino

Friday, May 8, 2015 - 10:16
SUNY Poly News Logo

After Rensselaer ran out of luck in its bid for a casino, there is the potential for a consolation prize for the city. Jim Vasil explains how the city is looking to SUNY Poly to fill that void.

[video width="432" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/05/SUNY-Poly-Rensselaer-Officials-Explore-Potential-At-Site-of.mp4"][/video]


Jim Vasil | May 7, 2015
