Times Union: Albany to take lead research role in new SUNY
photonics institute

Times Union: Albany to take lead research role in new SUNY
photonics institute

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 10:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article that was published by the Times Union:

A consortium headed by SUNY Polytechnic Institute, the University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology has been chosen for the Obama administration’s new Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation.The institute, with $110 million in federal funding and more than $500 million in outside support, including $250 million from New York state, was announced by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Vice President Joe Biden during a press conference Monday morning in Rochester.

Later, Cuomo and Biden traveled to New York City to announce a $4 billion project to rebuild LaGuardia Airport, which Biden at one time at likened to a “third world airport.”

While the photonics announcement was made in Rochester, the technical headquarters and primary research will be done in Albany, while the business headquarters and business development will be based in Rochester, a SUNY Poly spokesman said.

Research will integrate photonics components, developing computer chips powered by light to boost the speeds at which data moves, and producing chips that are smaller, more energy efficient and faster.

Applications include medical technology, defense, telecommunications, the Internet and information technology, according to Cuomo’s office.

General Electric Co. is among the corporate partners in the photonics institute.

Its Global Research Center is based in suburban Niskayuna.

The consortium includes 124 companies and organizations. Other participants include Intel and IBM, as well as Hudson Valley Community College, Schenectady County Community College, Columbia-Greene Community College and Adirondack Community College.

Monday’s  announcement was made at an Eastman Kodak building that had sat empty after the film camera business lost out to digital photography.

The photonics institute is one of a series of advanced manufacturing institutes the Obama administration has been establishing nationwide as the United States seeks to boost its international competitiveness.

Earlier, a digital manufacturing institute was established in Chicago, with GE also a major player in the consortium. GE’s Global Research Center recently hosted the summer conference of the newly formed Industrial Internet Consortium.

The New York-led consortium topped a number of other candidates to win the photonics institute.

“This competition was a nationwide competition. The competition was fierce, and Rochester, and this consortium, won,” said Cuomo. “We have a picture of what the future of Rochester will be. Let’s keep the momentum going.”

“Only Rochester and Albany have the talent and expertise to lead such a complex and promising national research consortium,” said Alain E. Kaloyeros, SUNY Poly’s president and CEO. “With our partners across the country and with the support and guidance of Governor Cuomo and the  Department of Defense, SUNY Poly will help usher in a new era of American dominance in the research, development, and manufacturing of advanced technologies.”

Biden spoke about the importance such companies as Kodak and Xerox can have on a city’s economy. And he talked about how technology has changed.

“You’ve gone from making Brownie cameras to lenses that are photographing the far side of Pluto,” Biden said.

“We see extraordinary potential for civilian and defense applications for integrated photonics,” Biden added.

The new institute, the sixth launched by the Obama administration, will give companies, universities and students access to the latest technology, he said.

“Innovation is who we are,” Biden said. “Manufacturing production is now up by almost a third since the recession, and the number of factories is growing for the first time since the 90s.”

“Over this time, you’ve added over 900,000 new jobs in manufacturing. This shouldn’t come as a surprise,” Biden said, citing the nation’s research universities, its productive workers, and other factors.

He said insourcing will replace outsourcing.

“Foreign direct investment in the United States totaled 2.8 trillion dollars last year, $936 billion in foreign investment in (U.S.) manufacturing,” Biden said. “Things are changing.”


TU Forging photonics alliance(pdf)

Posted on July 27, 2015 | By  Eric Anderson

