Times Union: College’s impact helps drive growth

Times Union: College’s impact helps drive growth

Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 09:45
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article that was published by the Times Union:

SUNY Polytechnic Institute’s contributions to Albany’s economy run deep. As a longtime business owner in Albany, I would suggest that discussion of SUNY Poly’s economic contribution to the city’s well-being (“Is $1.5M new or old aid?” Jan. 15) must also recognize the impact the college is having in driving investment and growth in our private sector.

My company, Noble Gas Solutions, is a perfect example. At the same time we celebrate our 75th anniversary as a fixture in downtown Albany, we are launching a new phase of growth that is a direct result of the nanotechnology economy spurred by SUNY Poly.

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Posted on January 22, 2015  | By  Letters to the editor
