Times Union: Letters to the Editor: ATTAIN benefits families in region

Times Union: Letters to the Editor: ATTAIN benefits families in region

Monday, November 17, 2014 - 12:47
SUNY Poly News Logo

It is wonderful to see our newest Advanced Technology Training And Information Networking lab featured recently (“Amid tech boom, a bust,” Oct. 26). ATTAIN recognizes how the rapid pace of technological change is revolutionizing the skills and education necessary to be successful in today’s workforce, and we are guided by the principle that learning is no longer just preparation for a job; lifelong learning is the job.

The ATTAIN project is a network of 36 educational technology labs in some of New York state’s most economically challenged communities. These labs provide critical access to the latest technology to learners statewide in host locations such as SUNY Educational Opportunity Centers, community-based organizations and housing authorities.

The SUNY University Center for Academic and Workforce Development is honored to join with the Trinity Alliance, SUNY Polytechnic Institute and the Albany Housing Authority in empowering economically disadvantaged residents locally to participate in the Capital Region’s growing tech economy through this project.

Thank you for recognizing the difference that ATTAIN is making in the lives of families locally.

Lisa McKay

Associate provost and director, University Center for Academic and Workforce Development

State University of New York



Posted on November 17, 2014 | By Letters to the editor
