Times Union: Light expected to be a job creator at photonics
institute's Albany lab

Times Union: Light expected to be a job creator at photonics
institute's Albany lab

Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 10:52
SUNY Poly News Logo

View Original Article Times Union

Photonics research will spin off local workforce opportunities


Can light create jobs?

SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Albany was awarded $110 million from the Department of Defense last week to assemble a $610 million federal photonics manufacturing institute.

And while the headquarters of the 124-member research consortium will be in Rochester, the Capital Region is expected to benefit as well.

That's because a significant amount of the research activities for the American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics will be done at SUNY Poly's Albany campus, as well as in other labs such as at General Electric Co.'s Global Research Center in Niskayuna.

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