Times Union: SUNY Poly is only the beginning

Times Union: SUNY Poly is only the beginning

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 11:18
SUNY Poly News Logo

By Tush Nikollaj, Commentary

Two years ago I wrote a commentary voicing my support for the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering spinning off from the University at Albany to become its own stand-alone school in the SUNY system.

I got some flack from some well-intentioned — and well-known — business folks. Their concern was that CNSE's affiliation with UAlbany would help keep the school's positive impact focused here rather than be spread across the state.

My feeling was that UAlbany had done a great job nurturing the nanocollege to the point where it was strong enough to stand on its own. I likened it to a parent raising a child to leave the nest. But I also believed its roots were deep in the region and its presence here would be even greater.

Fast forward two years and it is hard to argue against how New York state overall and the Capital Region in particular have benefited from that spinoff, which was renamed SUNY Polytechnic Institute following the merger with the SUNY IT in Utica.


