Times Union: SUNY Poly pulls back curtain on start-ups and venture capital

Times Union: SUNY Poly pulls back curtain on start-ups and venture capital

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - 10:04
SUNY Poly News Logo

[caption id="attachment_70025" align="alignright" width="313"]VC-600x450.jpg Alessandro Anzani, a New York City startup guru, is scheduled to speak at the Nov. 12 event at SUNY Poly[/caption]

SUNY Polytechnic Institute is going to offer the public a free peek into the world of start-ups and venture capital on Nov. 12 at its Albany campus.

The event is known as the Entrepreneurship Forum, which is part of SUNY Poly’s so-called SPARC initiative and was scheduled as part of SUNY Poly’s annual “Nanovember” celebration of nanotechnology.

The event will go from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at SUNY Poly’s NanoFab South building on Fuller Road. Although it is a free event, they want people to register here in advance.

