Title IX on the 9th

Title IX on the 9th

Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 12:59
SUNY Poly News Logo

Title IX on the 9th  


This month, SUNY Poly’s Title IX Working Group would like to take the opportunity to present another element of the new SUNY-wide uniform sexual violence prevention and response policies; affirmative consent.  The SUNY wide uniform policy for affirmative consent will go into effect in the Fall 2015 semester.  The language will be incorporated in the SUNY Poly Student Code of Conduct and the definition will also be included on the SUNY Poly Title IX website.


Under the new SUNY wide policies, affirmative consent is defined as;

  • A clear, unambiguous, knowing, informed, and voluntary agreement between all participants to engage in sexual activity.
  • Consent is active, not passive.  Silence or lack of resistance cannot be interpreted as consent.
  • Seeking and having consent accepted is the responsibility of the person(s) initiating each specific sexual act regardless of whether the person initiating the act is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Consent to any sexual act or prior consensual sexual activity between or with any party does not constitute consent to any other sexual act.
  • The definition of consent does not vary based upon a participant’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
  • Consent may be initially given but withdrawn at any time.  When consent is withdrawn or cannot be given, sexual activity must stop.
  • Consent cannot be given when a person is incapacitated.  Incapacitation occurs when an individual lacks the ability to fully, knowingly choose to participate in sexual activity.   Incapacitation includes impairment due to drugs or alcohol (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary), the lack of consciousness or being asleep, being involuntarily restrained, if any of the parties are under the age of 17, or if an individual otherwise cannot consent.
  • Consent cannot be given when it is the result of any coercion, intimidation, force, or threat of harm.


Throughout the coming months there will be affirmative consent posters prominently displayed at locations throughout SUNY Poly sites.


Please contact any of the Title IX Coordinators if you have questions.


Thank you,


SUNY Poly Title IX Working Group

Website: https://sunypoly.edu/titleix/

Email: TitleIX@sunycnse.com



SUNY Poly Title IX Coordinators:


Rhonda Haines

Title IX Coordinator

Associate VP for Human Resources

NFE #4105 (Albany Campus)

Kunsela Hall, A011 (Utica Campus)

(518) 956-7362




Stacey Genther

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Health Educator

Oriskany Hall, Suite B

(315) 792-7808



Kevin Grimmer

Gender Equity in Athletics

Athletics Director

Wildcat Field House, F 2227

(315) 792-7520

