TITLE IX on the 9th

TITLE IX on the 9th

Sunday, August 9, 2015 - 10:00
SUNY Poly News Logo

This month, SUNY Poly's Title IX Working Group would like to provide some information on the new “Enough is Enough” legislation to Combat Sexual Assault on College Campuses that was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo last month.  The legislation was enacted in order to create clear and uniform policies to combat sexual violence and ensure safe learning environments at college campuses across New York State.  “Enough is Enough” extends the proactive policies and practices that were adopted by SUNY campuses to all colleges in New York State.  All colleges and universities statewide, both public and private, must be in full compliance with the legislation this fall.

Under “Enough is Enough”, colleges are required to:

  • Adopt a uniform definition of affirmative consent
  • Adopt an amnesty policy for certain campus policy violations (i.e. alcohol and drug use) for bystanders reporting sexual violence incidents in good faith
  • Adopt and distribute a Students’ Bill of Rights that includes legal rights and resources for students
  • Annually report aggregate data on reports and adjudication of sexual violence cases to the State Education Department
  • Provide comprehensive training to faculty, staff, and students

The “Enough is Enough” legislation also calls for the creation of a “Sexual Assault Victims Unit” within the State police and a commitment of $10 million to assist State Police, rape crisis centers, and colleges in providing resources and services to students.

In the coming months, the Title IX Working Group will be using our monthly email to share the updated definitions and policies that were adopted by SUNY Poly under the new “Enough is Enough” legislation.

Thank you,

SUNY Poly Title IX Working Group Website: https://sunypoly.edu/titleix/ Email: TitleIX@sunycnse.com SUNY Poly Title IX Coordinators

Rhonda Haines Title IX Coordinator VP for Human Resources and Special Projects NFE #4105 (Albany Site) Kunsela Hall, A011 (Utica Site) (518) 956-7362 hainesr@sunypoly.edu rhaines@sunycnse.com

Stacey Genther Deputy Title IX Coordinator Health Educator Oriskany Hall, Suite B (315) 792-7808 stacey.genther@sunypoly.edu

Katie Tynan Deputy Title IX Coordinator AVP for Benefits and Leave Administration NFE #4252 (Albany Site) Kunsela Hall, A011 (Utica Site) (518) 956-7317 tynank@sunypoly.edu ktynan@sunycnse.com
