Unique opportunity to be part of local product creation! Many
areas needed!

Unique opportunity to be part of local product creation! Many
areas needed!

Monday, February 17, 2014 - 10:44
SUNY Poly News Logo

Looking for an opportunity to apply what you have learned?  Looking to be part of a team that is passionate about helping people through the creative use of technology?


The thINCubator is officially open in the Mohawk Valley with local entrepreneurs looking to partner with students to help facilitate and generate concept, design, and marketing ideas for several product innovations.  The end result will be promoting the product to potential investors to get these products to market.

The product invention that is linked to the SUNY community is an interactive medication reminder/adherence system that integrates socialization, data collection, and health status monitoring.  The product is known as MABEL - medication alarm bringing electronic love.  We are specifically looking for some software and hardware individuals, students in marketing, and any students in the health services field that have a strong concentration with seniors or chronic conditions.

Formal Meetings are currently taking place on Thursdays at 4-6 if you would like to take advantage of classes presented by a professional entrepreneur that takes us through the stages of product concept to product completion.  We have a workspace and are looking for passionate individuals that want to help keep seniors at home by collaborating, sharing skill sets, and desire to be part of a team.

There are also other products and teams that you may be interested in - please email me below if you have a specific skill set you would like to share.  


Below are  some job descriptions for specific positions, but if you are interested, please contact me at kathaleene707@gmail.com to get the conversation started!


Looking forward to meeting the next member for TEAM MABEL!


Job Title: Android Applications Developer    
Job Description

Role and ResponsibilitiesWork as a key part of an android software design team developing software in the health market and part of the thINCubator program.  Execute assigned Android development tasks independently.  Test developed software in an emulated and physical environment.  Integrate Android application with hardware through collaboration with the engineering team.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

Experience with the software development lifecycle and configuration management.

Preferred Skills

Experience with developing in Java

Experience with the Android SDK

Experience Developing Android Applications

Additional Notes

Knowledge and expertise of IOIO boards

Knowledge of Facebook API

Experience with Redmine, subversion or other software configuration management tools

Experience with robots or embedded systems


Job Title: Hardware Engineer Tech    
Job Description

Role and ResponsibilitiesWork as a key part of an android design team integrating hardware for control by the Android Operating System in the health market and part of the thINCubator program. Execute assigned hardware soldering and breadboard integration.  Test developed hardware with android developed software in a physical environment.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

Experience with basic electronic components, integrated circuits, alternating current, soldering, reading and understanding schematic diagrams. 

Preferred Skills

Experience reading schematic diagrams and building circuits based described by the diagrams

Experience using a multi-meter for testing circuits

Experience integrating developed hardware with an operating system

Additional Notes

Knowledge and expertise of IOIO boards

Experience with mechanical design

Experience with stepper motors

Experience with robots or embedded systems

