Utica Observer-Dispatch: NANOvember is coming back

Utica Observer-Dispatch: NANOvember is coming back

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - 16:14
SUNY Poly News Logo

SUNY Polytechnic Institute will be hosting the seventh annual NANOvember series of events next month.

NANOvember will kickoff with SUNY Poly’s Community Day on Saturday, Nov, 1, and will feature open house programs in three SUNY Poly locations. Other events will take place at SUNY Poly’s partner, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering campus in Albany.

Nisitors to SUNY Poly will be able to tour parts of the soon-to-be-completed Computer Chip Commercialization Center, part of Governor Cuomo’s game-changing $1.5 billion ‘Nano Utica’ initiative, as they learn about the latest efforts to develop the Marcy Nanocenter site. They will also have the opportunity to take part in a number of hands-on, nanotechnology-based activities and presentations.

In addition, on Nov. 12, there will be a “Nano Night with the Comets,” where thousands of Utica Comets fans will be able to learn about nanotechnology’s growing regional and statewide impact through displays, videos, and presentations at a home Comets hockey game. A number of attendees will also be able to take home a nano-inspired puck.

For more information For a complete list of events and activities planned for NANOvember, along with pre-registration, please visit http://www.sunycnse.com/NANOvember.aspx.

Utica Observer-Dispatch: NANOvember is coming back
