Utica Observer-Dispatch: Public hearings focus on nanotech

Utica Observer-Dispatch: Public hearings focus on nanotech

Sunday, June 5, 2016 - 09:12
SUNY Poly News Logo

Infrastructure improvements geared toward the Marcy nano site are on tap for Monday public hearings.

"These hearings are related to the Marcy Nanocenter itself. One is a minor expansion of the substation providing the power for the ams plant, the other is a short transmission line (called Marcy Interconnect) that will deliver the power from the substation to the plant," said Robert Lambe, town planning chairman.

Lambe said that no changes in zoning are needed and that the current zoning designations allow for these projects.

"We have hearings on all subdivisions and site plan reviews," Lambe wrote in an email.

The hearings include:

> Mohawk Valley EDGE has made an application for a new power line in the Edic and Hazard roads area. There is an application for a site plan review and area variances for the new power lines. According to town information, the main components of the project include 1.3 miles of transmission lines and modifications to the Edic Road substation, proposing additional equipment.

The transmission lines will start at the Edic Road substation, cross over the another line, and then will run parallel to the existing lines that cross Hazard Road.

Town officials say this project would consist of approximately thirty structures ranging from 56 feet to 106 feet tall. The area currently is zoned residential and planned development.

> National Grid has applied for a site plan review and area variance to include expansion of the Edic Road substation to the north and west by about one acre.

This work will require regrading, expanding the gravel substation area and relocation of a six-foot-tall perimeter fence. The area currently is zoned residential.

