Visiting Scholar Seminar Series: Academic year 2015-2015

Visiting Scholar Seminar Series: Academic year 2015-2015

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 11:58
SUNY Poly News Logo

Proposals are solicited to invite visiting scholars to SUNY Poly for the purpose of enriching the scholarly efforts of SUNY Poly faculty

The purpose of this grant is to provide opportunities to interact and potentially collaborate with scholars from other institutions. Visiting scholars would be researchers-in-residence for two days and are expected to engage in scholarly interaction with a small number (i.e. one to two) of faculty members.

Each invited scholar must:

1. Engage in scholarly interaction with one or more SUNY Poly faculty members with the

purpose of stimulating and advancing the scholarly endeavors of those faculty members.

2. Deliver a lecture on a topic related to his/her area of expertise at a level suitable for

junior/senior/graduate students in relevant programs as well as for faculty in related


Proposals from SUNY Poly faculty members must include:

1. Name, position and institutional affiliation of the proposed visiting researcher.

2. Description of the proposed visitor’s scholarship and its relationship to the scholarly interests of the SUNY Poly applicant. Include evidence of common research interests and/or past collaborations (e.g. examples of papers on common topics, joint papers)

3. Estimated expenses. The grant will cover basic accommodation and travel expenses up to a maximum of $800-1000, depending on distance. Please consider using departmental or other funds to supplement the award.

4. Curriculum vitae of the SUNY Poly applicant.

Applications will be reviewed by a faculty committee and judged based upon the value of the invited scholar’s impact on the inviting SUNY Poly faculty member’s scholarly work. Preference will be given to proposals from junior faculty.


Date to submit proposals: October 13, 2014

Awards will be announced on: October 22, 2014

Awards must be used by May 2, 2015

Submit proposals to Zora Thomova,

Funds provided by: Provost Office in collaboration with Sponsored Research Office

Questions: Zora Thomova,

Note: Travel guidelines are as follows

Accommodation for Utica area $77 state rate at a hotel

Food: $46 for meals if overnight travel

Travel: mileage .555 cents a mile; Car rental needs justification before travel occurs
