What You Should Know about the Zika Virus. . .

What You Should Know about the Zika Virus. . .

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 11:54
SUNY Poly News Logo

In preparation for Spring Break travels, please be aware of the following health concerns linked to the Zika Virus.  The Zika Virus is spread by the infected Aedes species mosquitos, prevalent in tropical environments such as South and Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean.  Those traveling to these areas are encouraged to take precautions against mosquito bites (including wearing long sleeve shirt/pants, using an EPA registered mosquito repellent and a mosquito bed net). To date there is no vaccine or medication to treat the Zika Virus. Up to 80% of those infected with Zika have no symptoms and hospitalization is uncommon.  For those who do exhibit symptoms, mild fever, rash or joint pain are a possibility.

There are still many unknowns related to the Zika virus. Primary concerns for the Zika virus are related to pregnant women and women of child bearing age who may become pregnant from male partners transmitting the virus through their semen.  A possible complication of the Zika virus is an infant born with a brain birth defect known as microcephaly. Pregnant women should avoid travel to areas with outbreaks and those not currently pregnant are advised to take precautions and not become pregnant while vacationing in these areas. Protection, such as condoms, should be used for every sexual encounter to prevent transmission through sexual contact.

For more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);


CDC mobile apps for safe travel:  http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/apps-about
