WIBX950AM: Nano Utica Moving Along on Schedule

WIBX950AM: Nano Utica Moving Along on Schedule

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - 12:01
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you the following article that was published by WIBX950AM:

WIBX950AM: Nano Utica Moving Along on Schedule
















Luke Tubia, WIBX



Mohawk Valley Edge President Steve DiMeo says construction at the Nano Utica site at SUNY-IT is on schedule and the facility could be open by this time next year.

“The expectation is by the end of the year the building should be pretty much completed,” DiMeo said. “And development plans will focus on tooling the facility and beginning the ramp-up of production for the operations that will be located there.”

DiMeo spoke at the South Utica Citizens meeting last night where he gave residents an overview of what Nano Utica actually is and how the project will impact Utica and the Mohawk Valley.

He said the SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering is also committed to be the end user for the site which will mean a merger with  SUNY-IT that will create SUNY Polytechnic Institute, or SUNY-PI.

When phase one of Nano Utica is complete, DiMeo says it can employ up to 500 people.
