WIBX950AM: SUNY Poly Recognized By National Science Foundation

WIBX950AM: SUNY Poly Recognized By National Science Foundation

Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 10:17
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share with you an article that was published on WIBX950AM:

SUNY Polytechnic Institute has been recognized by theNational Science Foundation as the top university in the country for business-funded research and development.

In achieving the distinction, SUNY Poly surpassed other leading schools including Duke, MIT and Stanford.

The Foundation’s report places SUNY Poly and its Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineeringatop nearly 900 American colleges and universities in 2013, with $201.6 million in research and development expenditures derived from more than 300 corporate and business partners.

[caption id="attachment_15363" align="alignright" width="372"] SUNY-poly-630x472.jpg Luke Tubia, WIBX[/caption]



Jim Rondonelli | February 11, 2015
