Wildcat Day schedule!

Wildcat Day schedule!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 13:54
SUNY Poly News Logo

This Friday we will be hosting Wildcat Day! It is officially the last day of classes and a big celebration of the completion of a busy year.

Campus Life will be co-hosting with Residence Life and starting the day at 10am in the Campus Center Lobbywith a drum circle with world-renowned drummerJim Donovan of the band Rusted Root. For more information on Jim and what this experience will look like, visit http://www.consciouscampus.com/portfolio/jim-donovan/

Please join us and I promise you will not be disappointed, it is an amazing experience! If you know ahead of time that you will be joining us, please let me know so that I can assure that he brings enough drums for everyone. Even if you do not know until Friday if you can attend, please come! It is open to the entire campus community :)
From 1130am-330pm in the Field House we will be sponsoring inflatables, novelty items, giant Jenga, indoor mini-golf, etc. Sodexo has also been generous enough to move lunch from the Campus Center to the Field House. Just to clarify, LUNCH WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE IN THE CAMPUS CENTER, YOU MUST COME TO THE FIELD HOUSE.

You are invited to participate in any and all of our activities! Come celebrate and share in the excitement of another fun and exciting year that is quickly ending.

Any questions please contact the Campus Life Office at ext 7530 or email Jennifer.George@sunypoly.edu
