WKTV: Fighting 'brain drain': Indium Corporation in
Utica fights to keep young professionals in the area

WKTV: Fighting 'brain drain': Indium Corporation in
Utica fights to keep young professionals in the area

Thursday, August 6, 2015 - 11:17
SUNY Poly News Logo

UTICA, NY - Indium Corporation is taking a pro-active approach to keeping our young professionals from leaving the area for greener pastures.

And a part of the plan is hearing from a group of interns from Indium who tell their stories about why students should stay local.

Indium Corporation is recognized throughout the world in materials and nano-technology, but now they're taking a leadership role, engaging our young professionals to stay locally for good paying jobs.

You may not realize just what the Mohawk Valley has to offer, but a group of interns here at Indium Corporation do. They've learned there are good paying jobs and opportunities to participate in company development, and it's all local. It's a concept that Sauquoit native Matt del Buono has a new appreciation for.


[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/08/WKTV_08-06-2015-Interns-at-Indium-Corp-look-for-local-opportunities.mp4"][/video]
