WKTV: Local vet who liberated a death camp in Austria speaks at

WKTV: Local vet who liberated a death camp in Austria speaks at

Friday, April 3, 2015 - 10:10
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share the following article and video with you...

Local vet who liberated a death camp in Austria speaks at SUNY Poly

A local world war two veteran is sharing his experiences as combat soldier and as a concentration camp liberator. Allen Moskin along with his unit helped liberate a death camp in Austria.

Moskin spoke at SUNY Poly today explaining the shocking images he remembers while he freed survivors.

It's something he says no one is prepared to see but he continues to tell his story because he says it’s important to make sure it never happens again.

Moskin says, “I want to reach as many of the young people because i tell them they are the last generation the middle school high school kids that are going to hear people like me and the hidden children and survivors and kids in the kids in transport and righteous gentiles because we are going to be gone when they have children.”

Jewish holocaust survivor Helen Sperling was also in attendance at the event


[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/04/WKTV_04-02-2015_SUNY-Poly-WWII-Vet.mp4"][/video]
