WKTV: Nano Ready: The Quad C tour and the number of new jobs

WKTV: Nano Ready: The Quad C tour and the number of new jobs

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - 10:29
SUNY Poly News Logo

I wanted to share this article and video with you from WKTV:

WKTV: Nano Ready: The Quad C tour and the number of new jobs expected

By Don Shipman May. 12, 2015

[video width="320" height="240" mp4="http://sunypoly.edu/apps/blogs/news/files/2015/05/WKTV-Nano-Ready-QuadC-Tour-51215.mp4"][/video]

MARCY, NY - Touring the inside of Quad C at Suny Poly in Marcy feels a lot like you are getting access to some top secret government facility.

The clean room, where those Nano technology wafers will be manufactured is nearly complete, and it is very off limits.

It is so off limits that there is a special room above it where maintenance workers can change out light bulbs and service 350 filters.

Robert Geer, the senior vice president at SUNY Poly says this is a multiphase project.

Phase one of the project includes the building of the actual facility, which is nearly complete. Phase two is where all the equipment is cleaned and brought in.  That phase will begin over the summer.  Then phase three is where you begin to see everyone come on board.

"You actually start turning the systems on. You actually start churning out wafers," said Geer. "And there's when you have the broader people start.  You know all the employees and so forth, facilities, security, the administration."

We asked, how many tenants are secured for the facility?  "Well I can't go into those details.  I'll let the Governor announce that," said Geer.  "The interest has been spectacular, spectacular enough frankly that before this facility was done, expand it."

In fact, the original price tag to build Quad C was $125-million. Now, according to Geer says it is closer to $250-million and counting.  He says that is because they have expanded the clean room.

We asked, how many jobs are coming?  "You know 1,500 was announced for the fully multi phase Quad C Nano-Utica partnership," said Geer.  "It's going to be that number and it's like going to be more."

NEWSChannel 2 reached out to the Governor's office to get a clearer picture of the number of jobs that are slated to come, also how many tenants are secured.  The Governor's team responded, saying they would look into matter, but they have yet to get back to us.

