WKTV: Veterans Expo connects vets with services

WKTV: Veterans Expo connects vets with services

Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 11:19
SUNY Poly News Logo

By WKTV News

Story Created: Oct 8, 2014 at 3:09 PM EDT

Story Updated: Oct 8, 2014 at 5:57 PM EDT

(WKTV) - Transitioning back into society after deploying overseas is a difficult task for many veterans.

On Wednesday, 75 different service providers, including local employers, community agencies and educators, are gathering under one roof at SUNY Polytechnic Institute.

There are a lot of benefits available for veterans, but sometimes the system can be difficult to navigate. The expo is a way to get veterans connected with the best plan for them.

"We learned from Vietnam it's a difficult transition," said Jessica Perusse, lead coordinator of the expo. "So, we wanted to make it a lot easier for people transitioning from Iraq and Afghanistan. It's a different war, we've learned we need to support them as a whole community."

For more information, visit vetexpo.org.

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