WNYT: Invention opens world of music to people with disabilities

WNYT: Invention opens world of music to people with disabilities

Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 09:40
SUNY Poly News Logo

Imagine having a love for music -- but not being able to play most instruments because you're a quadriplegic.

A local company set out to make music available to everyone -- with help from SUNY Polytechnic.

It's through something called a “Jamboxx.”

Its creators say it is about to change the way people with physical disabilities create music.

The idea started years ago -- when Mike DiCesare's next door neighbor -- who is a quadriplegic -- told him he wanted to play music.

“The only instrument that he could play was a harmonica. So we developed the “Jamboxx” as a way for him to play electronic music,” DiCesare explained.

The “Jamboxx” hooks into a computer through a USB -- and a program allows someone to compose music -- with any instrument -- electronically.

However, the initial prototype was expensive -- and wore out too quickly.

So My Music Machines Inc. came to SUNY Polytechnic for a solution.

“We've spent about a year and a half developing the component itself,” noted Dr. Jim Castracane, a professor at the school.

Where the old “Jamboxx” had two metal contacts that wore out -- the technology developed by SUNY Polytechnic relies on an LED and a detector for it.



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